This is a statement from Insurance Bureau of Canada about why they support ShakeOutBC.
“IBC is proud to be a presenting sponsor of the Great British Columbia ShakeOut because we are committed to raising public awareness of the importance of earthquake preparedness.”
The GreatBC ShakeOut is the major event hosted by the BC Earthquake Alliance (BCEA). The ShakeOutBC organizing committee is made up of national, provincial and local government agencies, businesses and organizations. Members include:
- BC Transit
- BCIT Occupational Health and Safety Program
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
- City of Vancouver
- CRD Juan de Fuca (REPC)
- Emergency Management BC (EMBC)
- GeoBC
- Ministry of Attorney General / Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
- NRCan (Natural Resources Canada)
- NSEM (North Shore Emergency Management)
- Pauquachin First Nation
- PHSA (Provincial Health Services Authority)
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Safety Canada
- Stó:lō First Nation
- YVR (Vancouver International Airport)
If your organization is interested in being part of our volunteer team, drop us a line at
- Vancouver Island Regional Library
- FortisBC
- Natural Resources Canada
- City of Victoria
- Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce
Council - Canadian Red Cross
Thanks to all the other government agencies, businesses, organizations, schools and community groups that actively promote ShakeOutBC to their members and constituents.
If your business or organization is interested in becoming a financial sponsor, please contact us.